Bulk and Spam Email Policy Print

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What is Transactional and Bulk Email?

Transactional email messages are those sent as a direct action to user activity; written response to client email, payment receipt, account sign up, password reset, etc.

Bulk email messages are those email messages sent not as a direct action to user activity; marketing, promotion, newsletter, invitation, product update, service update, important changes, etc.

Bulk email is not permitted under your account services. If you send, are planning, or intend to send bulk email, a dedicated bulk email platform must be used. We suggest the following services for you to consider:

Aweber: https://www.aweber.com
SendGrid: https://www.sendgrid.com
MailChimp: https://www.mailchimp.com

Additionally, please remain aware of further email policy as below.

No “Spam” Policy

UCE/UBE (Unsolicited Commercial Email / Unsolicited Bulk Email) or “Spam” originating from a server located on our network or associated with a BlogLogistics server is not tolerated.

Solicted bulk email or solicited commercial email is also forbidden.

This includes any email that promotes websites hosted on a server located on the BlogLogistics network but is sent from an email address not associated with a BlogLogistics client account or is sent from an email address associated with a BlogLogistics account.

Clients shall not use their BlogLogistics services for chain letters, junk mail, bulk email, mailing lists, multi-recipient email messages, mail-merge email messages, "cold call" or introductory email messages (singular or bulk emailing), any form of marketing email, or any use of any distribution lists whatosever.

If a client requires bulk email services, marketing email (singular or bulk emailing) such email services may be sent from third party bulk mailing providers and only to any person who has given specific permission to be included in such a process. BlogLogistics reserves the right to deactivate or terminate any account(s) upon any indication of such activity without notice.

Source: https://www.bloglogistics.com/web-hosting-service-agreement/

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